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Industrial Fasteners

Backed by a team of diligent professionals, we are deeply engrossed in supplying the best in line Industrial Fasteners, which are popularly known among our customers owing to their superior quality and performance. These fasteners are made of the first-rate alloyed metal that is resistant to corrosion, rust, and shear forces, therefore, these metal fasteners do not degrade in quality or become inferior in the long run. Industrial Fasteners come in a plethora of sizes and types. The complete range of the fasteners can be purchased from us at a cost-effective price.

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SS Screw

Price: 5000.00 - 50000.00 INR/Piece
  • Delivery Time:10 - 15 Days
  • Supply Ability:10 - 15 Per Day
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MS Washer

Price: 5000.00 - 50000.00 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 - 15 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:10 - 15 Days
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Automotive Rubber Parts

Price: 5000.00 - 50000.00 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 - 15 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:10 - 15 Days
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Nut Cylinder Head

Price: 5000.00 - 50000.00 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 - 15 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:10 - 15 Days

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